Crops at Good Family Farms

     On the farm we grow corn, beans, wheat and barley. We also grow peas, oats and barley as a polyculture (grown in the same field) to act as a cover crop and to feed our pigs and chickens. It is ground on the farm and fed fresh.

     Pasture which include grasses, forbes and legumes, is another one of our crops that we harvest for our grass fed beef. We harvest the pasture as dry hay, or as haylage which is baled wet and then wrapped. This is a way to ferment the hay, just like sauerkraut. This allows us to preserve the nutrients when the weather doesn't allow us to make dry hay. All of this is used to feed our cattle over the winter months. Some of our pastures are harvested in the growing season by strategically rotating our cattle throughout the pasture fields.